Consulting Case 101 Pdf Creator

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I will with month, as I was googling 'Accenture case interview', hoping to find some clues what kind of cases Accenture usually use, this website came first on google's search results:.Has anyone used this website before? I'm asking because they only, but hide the answers, and I have to pay to see their answers. Is it really worth it to pay 96 bucks for this site? I mean they did a great work to categorize all the case questions by type and by consulting firms, but do you think it really helps to prepare case this way?

Anyone please share your thoughts. Oh wow, I can't believe they put a pay wall up lol! I was using that site for case prep a couple of months ago and you could see all the answers for free. Honestly though, if you're practicing cases with a partner, just get one of you to make up the answer that you want the interviewee to get and make up some information that will lead him or her to your conclusion. The answers they had on there before were pretty general, and I made up extra information when I practiced with other candidates most of the time.Best of luck. I have seen that site before, I posted a message there when I was looking for partners to practice case with a few months ago and got a hell lot of response (and spam emails too, lol). They used to be good and free, both the and answers.

Consulting case 101 pdf creator windows 10

Management Consulting Case Studies With Solutions

I don't know when they started to charge people money for access the case solutions. Others may have different opinions, but personally I think some of their provided answers are not well structured, poorly presented, they only have value in the sense that they give you some hints how to approach certain cases, but again there is no right or wrong answer for question. Good luck in your case prep! Hey consulting4fun! I was just going to close my account here on wallstreetoasis.

I got a job offer eventually at and one week ago, and am joining in Italy as of January next year! Hope my reply here is not too late, but quite sure it is.The 3 books I had bought for were:1) Case In Point on (was around 40 USD)Feedback: Good resource, but overvalued.

Management consulting case studies with solutions

Case Interview Secrets

It didn't necessarily feel close to what actual are like. Good for practicing first round; but no more2) Case Interview Success, on (30 USD if I remember well)Feedback: 4 business frameworks that work for about all cases, great insights into how the process is. The author works for Bain, and it is very clear he went through all the rounds; his learnings are structured in the book3) Ace The Case (25 USD)Feedback: Was highly listed in google, website looked a bit crappy, book was even more crappy, a waste of money. Though 25 USD was not a lot to get to know this.I feel I should write a little booklet about my experiences myself!Best of luck! Question about consultingcase101 ( Originally Posted: )Dear all,I would like to ask for people's views on a website called consultingcase101 and whether you would pay for their stuff.This is a website that is said to provide loads of case practice materials for something like $100 for a 1 year membership. I was thinking whether it is worthwhile signing up to them.Material deleted(To those of you who read this post earlier, I have been asked by the people involved to remove the material that was previously written between the dashed lines.

Consulting Case 101 Pdf Creator 1

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.Webmaster, if possible, could you just delete this post alltogether? I have managed to get the answer to the question I asked in the post so this has already served its purpose.

Edited 21-7-12).