Microsoft Sql Server 2005 Instance Wicca

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  1. Microsoft Sql Server 2005 Instance Wicca Free

MSSQLENG014010. 2 minutes to read.In this articleAPPLIES TO: SQL Server Azure SQL Database (Managed Instance only) Azure Synapse Analytics (SQL DW) Parallel Data Warehouse Message DetailsProduct NameSQL ServerEvent ID14010Event SourceMSSQLSERVERComponentSQL Server Database EngineSymbolic NameMessage TextThe server '%s' is not defined as a subscription server.ExplanationReplication expects all servers in a topology to be registered using the computer name with an optional instance name (in the case of a clustered instance, the SQL Server virtual server name with the optional instance name). For replication to function properly, the value returned by SELECT @@SERVERNAME for each server in the topology should match the computer name or virtual server name with the optional instance name.Replication is not supported if you have registered any of the SQL Server instances by IP address or by Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).

If you have any of the SQL Server instances registered by IP address or by FQDN in SQL Server Management Studio when you configured replication, this error could be raised. User ActionVerify that all SQL Server instances in the topology are registered properly.

Microsoft Sql Server 2005 Instance Wicca Free

Microsoft Sql Server 2005 Instance WiccaMicrosoft sql server 2005 instance wicca name

If the network name of the computer and the name of the SQL Server instance differ, either:.Add the SQL Server instance name as a valid network name. One method to set an alternative network name is to add it to the local hosts file. The local hosts file is located by default at WINDOWSsystem32driversetc or WINNTsystem32driversetc. For more information, see the Windows documentation.For example, if the computer name is comp1 and the computer has an IP address of, and the instance name is inst1/instname, add the following entry to the hosts file: inst1.Remove replication, register each SQL Server instance, and then reestablish replication. If the value of @@SERVERNAME is not correct for a nonclustered instance, follow these steps: spdropserver ', 'droplogins'gospaddserver ', 'local'goAfter you execute the stored procedure, you must restart the SQL Server service for the change to @@SERVERNAME to take effect.If the value of @@SERVERNAME is not correct for a clustered instance, you must change the name using Cluster Administrator. For more information, see.See AlsoRecommended Content.

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