Orchestral Tools Berlin Brass

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In terms of sheer data size, the only library to out‑gun Berlin Strings is East West's 312GB Hollywood Strings, featuring a grand total of 57 players. Like BST, it lacks solo instruments, but benefits from a comprehensive articulation menu. Other large, contemporary string libraries in a similar vein include Cinesamples Cinestrings Core (50GB) and Cinematic Strings 2 (38GB): the former covers a little more musical ground than the latter, with a correspondingly higher price tag.Taking a slightly different tack, 8Dio's legato‑enriched Adagio series (available as separate violins, violas, cellos and basses volumes) total approximately 160GB and Audiobro's feature‑heavy LA Scoring Strings (24GB) offers flexible section sizes and solo instruments, but has no full second violins section.


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Also worthy of consideration are the Vienna Symphonic Library collections Appassionata Strings I (11.9GB) and Orchestral Strings I and II (42.4GB), the former boasting lush symphonic‑sized ensembles and the latter packing more detailed articulations than you can shake a stick at. However, none of the VSL titles includes separate second violins or multiple mic positions. All of the libraries mentioned above feature true legato intervals. On first playing BST's 'Playable glissandi' patch (available for first violins only), my initial impression was that a swarm of angry wasps had invaded my music room, but after watching Orchestral Tools' video demo I got the idea. In order to create real‑time glissandi, you play an ascending or descending white‑note scale: this creates a smeared glissando effect which follows the direction of your scale.

Play an octave scale, and you'll hear a long, wide‑ranging gliss; play two adjacent white notes, and you get a short glissando. Glissandi can thus be timed exactly to follow your music.Though it roughly tracks keyboard register, the glissando's pitch doesn't correspond precisely to played notes, which means the technique works best as an iconoclastic, wild effect rather than a controlled pitch slide. Hats off to programmer Stan Berzon for devising the script which powers this mad, thoroughly enjoyable musical racket. Glancing through BST's patch list, it appears that some entries are extremely large; for example, the first violins legato patch lists a total sample size of 13.3GB. All contents copyright © SOS Publications Group and/or its licensors, 1985-2020. The data warehouse lifecycle toolkit ebook pdf downloads download. All rights reserved.The contents of this article are subject to worldwide copyright protection and reproduction in whole or part, whether mechanical or electronic, is expressly forbidden without the prior written consent of the Publishers. Great care has been taken to ensure accuracy in the preparation of this article but neither Sound On Sound Limited nor the publishers can be held responsible for its contents.


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