The Resourceful Adolescent Program Raptor

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Location:Children’s HospitalZone B, Level 8800 Commissioners Rd. East, London, ON Contents.Our ProgramThe Child and Adolescent Mental Health Care Program (CAMHCP) provides clinical services for children and youth up to 17 years of age and their families. Services include Inpatients, Outpatients, Day Treatment, and Eating Disorders and may be delivered by an inter-disciplinary team. Teachers from the W.D. Sutton School of the Thames Valley Distric School Board also support some clinical areas.

About Our Services Inpatients Contact:Phone: 519-685-8500, Ext. 52091, Fax: 519-685-8403. Inpatients serve children and adolescents requiring short-term admission for crisis stabilization and assessment of urgent mental health problems. Coordination with community resources is completed for follow up treatment. Children and adolescents may also attend W.D. Sutton School while in hospital.Catchment area for Inpatients:London, Middlesex, Elgin and Oxford counties.

Outpatients Contact:Phone: 519-667-6607, Fax: 519-685-8595. Outpatients services offers assessment and treatment for children and adolescents with mental health difficulties of an internalizing nature, such as:. Anxiety disorders, including obsessive-compulsive disorder. Mood disorders including depression and bipolar disorder.

Suicidal behaviours. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Psychotic disorders e.g.

Schizophrenia. Psychosomatic disorders. Acute symptoms of distress related to family or personal crisis, abusive experiences, and/or experiencing or witnessing traumatic events. Recommendations for treatment will be made at the time of the assessment, which may involve ongoing services or suggestions regarding alternatives in the community.Catchment area for Outpatients: London and Middlesex County. Day Treatment Contact:Phone: 519-667-6640, Fax: 519-667-6814.An intensive outpatient service for youth (aged 13 and 17) experiencing significant mood and/or anxiety symptoms.

Mental health symptoms have impacted on a youth’s ability to attend school, participate in home/community activities and socialize with others on a regular basis.Services may include: attending time-limited evidence-based group sessions (2x/week)/follow-up appointments and liaising with community resources (i.e. School).Goals reviewed regularly and action plans developed in collaboration with youth/family.Catchment area for Day Treatment: London and Middlesex County.

The Resourceful Adolescent Program Raptor

The Resourceful Adolescent Program Raptors

Eating Disorders Contact:Phone: 519-685-8500, Ext. 56158, Fax: 519-685-8595. Services (Outpatients, Day Treatment and Inpatients) are offered regionally for clients, who are experiencing Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia and eating problems, including restricting, bingeing, purging, excessive exercising and low body weight. Referrals to Eating Disorders must be made by a physician who accepts responsibility for medical care until patients are seen. Documentation of medical evaluations, i.e. Physical examination, bloodwork and ECG results completed within the past four weeks must accompany the referral. Inpatient services are provided for patients who are acutely ill.


Day Treatment placements are available for normalization of eating. Outpatients offer assessment and treatment.

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Raps Program


The mission of the Iowa Raptor Project is to connect students and community to the conservation of birds of prey and their natural habitats through research and education opportunities. IRP is a jointly sponsored program of University of Iowa Recreational Services and Kirkwood Community College. We achieve our goal to preserve raptor populations and habitats through educational experiences that awaken awareness, nurture appreciation and inspire action, as well as through field research on raptor nesting habitats, migration routes, and wintering grounds.On June 1, 2016, the Macbride Raptor Project changed its name to the Iowa Raptor Project to better represent the scope of our work and our new vision to focus on research and education. You can learn more about the changes on ourThe Iowa Raptor Project currently displays 17 unreleaseable birds of prey historically found in Iowa.

The Iowa Raptor Project is open to the public and we welcome visitors!Stay in the loop with our monthly e-newsletter, The Raptor Review. Sign up and select 'Iowa Raptor Project' as your program of interest. Helping an Injured RaptorIf you find an injured raptor, please contact a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.

A full list of rehabilitators in Iowa can be found here. IRP is focusing on three aspects of Iowa raptor populations in order to assess habitat needs and population trends in our native raptors. Monitoring winter raptor populations and discerning habitat needs for wintering raptors. Monitoring nesting raptor populations and determining habitat needs through urban, suburban, rural landscapes. Monitoring migrating raptor populations through counts and banding projects.For those interested in participating in these projects, call 319-624-7178 or email.