Microsoft Streets And Trips 2006 Cd16

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I got in on the 2013 S&T just before they discontinued it. I figure it will be good for quite a while, but I too am going with shapefiles in GR3 but was planning on using it as an alternative. With Andy's input it sounds like it can be depended on for real time use so I may try using it by itself for a couple of chases and getting away from the mapping software all together because I can't see a real decent online alternative down the road. Google Maps isn't detailed enough for me as far as small town names and some minor roads, and I always end up going back to S&T to see those. Sniff n the tears fickle heart rarities. I've tried the shapefiles before but they bogged down GR3 so much I couldn't stand using them. Maybe now that I have a more powerful machine its an option again. I also wasnt a fan of how cluttered the radar screen looked, not to mention the frequent zooming.


I suppose I can give that a second chance. I was never a fan of the Street Atlas interface, but at some point I will have to learn to use something new, so that is definitely another option.If all else fails, theres always the trusty EZ finders and paper maps. I was thinking about this the other day. Trying to find an offline alternative.

Mappoint 2013 Iso


I stumbled upon 'MapSphere' which seems to be a fairly well written piece of software and supposedly supports offline maps, still working on how to figure that out. As for now I'll be working on the GR3 ShapeFiles I found on.

As for performance, I'm using a Dell XFR XT2 'tablet' with 1.6GHz Core 2 Duo and 3GB of ram which allows GR3 to run acceptably smooth with these enabled. I get probably 5FPS when zoomed out and moving around, which is fine and when zoomed into a county level I see approximately 20FPS which is realistically where I'll be. I run StreetAtlas - version 2004 up until v 2011 a couple of years ago. The only times I run into outdated maps is with the new bypasses being built around some of the towns (when SA has me driving through a field). A little confusing at times, but no major problem.

I rely heavily on the GPS logging of SA for chase documentation and recordkeeping. Those can be overlaid onto an up-to-date Google map later.If the GR developer ever made a plugin that overlaid radar onto the StreetAtlas map, I'd buy it in a heartbeat!