Followliker Instagram Edition Atlas

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Follow Liker Instagram Edition Cracked – Free Download Instagram Bot Crack FollowLiker Instagram cracked Edition makes your instagram marketing and account management very easy.You can follow users, unfollow users, share photos, like photos, unlike photos and post comments.Your follower count will skyrocket with this amazing tool.You can also do much more with FollowLiker and it is very easy to use.Get a copy of FollowLiker Instagram Edition today! Follow Liker Instagram Edition is very powerful, reliable & super flexible multipurpose software that makes it easy to automate all your instagram tasks. Follow Liker Instagram crack Edition makes your instagram marketing.

Followliker Instagram Edition Atlas 2

I have been following this thread closely:as literally the week before I came across it (thanks again for all the knowledge bombs you have shared) I had purchased FollowLiker and was experimenting with it.Rather than highjack Jims AMA I thought I would start another thread where we can share results.So for what they are worth here are my experiences:I am building one account in a small niche for a Kickstarter I am planning and a few others for various speculative business ops.I got my first 1000 followers in just over a week. The account used was several months old with a dozen or so images on it and a handful of followers.

I used the follow/unfollow technique and also posted 10 image a day spread out hourly finishing around 9pm each night. I also used a large selection of relevant hashtags which I tethered to a shortcut on my phone so I could dump the whole list in the text box in less than a second.To start with I was getting 40-60 follows a day which quickly increased to 100 or more. Checking in regularly several times a day I was often seeing results like this:Things were going great until I read post about Instagram blocking/banning accounts doing mass follow/unfollows.I was working away at the time so got my wife to shut the pc down until I got back as I didn’t want to run the risk of getting the account banned as I had one banned the week prior within 24 hours of setting it up. (I was using the same settings as my older account which were obviously too extreme for a brand new one). Lesson learned, you can't hit the ground running with a shiny new account.Since then follows have been much slower.After reading post about his increase in follows I have experimented for the last few days by switching from liking via hashtags to liking based on large accounts.

The results have been very poor.I have just checked my main account and the Interaction is much lower with zero follows.I intend to change to different large accounts and see if that makes any difference. Currently I am unfollowing about 200-300 accounts a day with no new follows which Instagram seem happy with.I have also experimented with not using hashtags. The result was significantly fewer likes as you would expect. I have used Iconsquare to work out the best hashtags to use to get the most (relevant) exposure.What have your results been like? Yeah I would definitely be very careful with this tactic.I used to do the follow/unfollow tactic on Twitter and Fabebook a couple years ago and almost all the accounts got banned, some sooner some later.The main goal of every social network is obv having the best user experience possible.How user friendly is it, if some random 26 year old girl gets 50 new unknown followers per day that all unfollow her some time later.Horrible user experience imo.Even if you really provide awesome and relevant value with your account, these techniques are used a lot by spammers.


So chances are using this tactic will make your account look more spammy in the eyes of the social network.BTW this doesn't mean that this technique can't work but look at Twitter and Facebook. You used to be able to build huge followings via follow/unfollow and sending friend requests to random people. Today it's almost impossible because of the shitty user experience of this technique.

Followliker Instagram Edition Atlas

Thank you very much for doing this.Have you ever looked at purchasing shoutouts? I've been fiending sites which offer this service and I've found some accounts that I would love to get a shoutout from, however I've noticed that there are no other shoutouts on their Instagram account (meaning, there are only the relevant posts when I look at the account on my phone).Does this mean that shoutouts are temporary affairs which are deleted after e.g.

(with all the evidence however, I'm pretty sure they are. It's just like regular paid advertising). I've done a more targeted follow/unfollow strategy. I will typically search for a hashtag that I am targeting throughotu the day and find a picture that has a lot of likes that has been posted less than 60 minutes ago. I will then follow every person that I can (typically around 130) and I will usually get a high follow back% (not 50% but in the mid 30's I would say).

I've been on an unfollowing spree though as my following has breached 5,000 (followers just under 8000). I'm looking for this account to get into 6 figures!!! OK - I wanted to post a progress update. It has taken a bit of trial and error, but we are really pleased with the results.We've been at this about 7 weeks and started with a 'dead' account that was about 1 year old.This morning we went over 7400 very targeted followers.Here is what we are doing.We have a 'brand' rather than a person and we are posting mostly quotes based around that brand.We are posting 8-12 images a day. For us, there is a definite correlation between number of photos and followers.We have 30 hashtags on each photo that are targeted to our audience niche.We are liking targeted photos.We are doing keyword targeted follow / unfollow as well as those who like our photos.We are NOT commenting.Everything we are doing is automated with FollowLiker.Today was the first 24hr period where we received 300 new followers.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. I've been following / unfollowing, but I a) only unfollow after 7 days, b) only unfollow those who don't follow me after 7 days.

It means my follow count tends to trend above my followers account but generally only by 500 or so. But haven't had issues so far. Combined with liking and neutral comments that aren't too OTT, and cycling 4 accoutnts so the time is quite spread out on each, I get slow and steady growth of 20 followers a day or so which fluctuates with what content i post.

Taking a while to get to where I want, but it seems sustainable so far? I have been on Instagram for only a week. I bought followliker but didn't use it yet. I want to grow the page naturally for a while and see if it is even necessary.So far only have 7 pictures up. Two pictures have over 200 likes. Got 3 major people in my niche commenting on them already. I have just below 200 followers.

If someone writes on my page I will write back and check out their pics. That is about it.I think having great content is the most important thing. A lot of big pages have only a few hundred posts but their material is great so they are hugely popular. Quality is crucial now that everyone is trying the same tactics to grow their page.I am not saying don't use some growth hacking methods but the big thing here is posting quality content. If your posts aren't great in the first place the rest of your tactics won't be anywhere near as effective.P.S.A really great page to check out is leanin15 - the body coach guy.

His first few hundred posts were really low likes 10-70. He kept going and two years later, after he developed his style and audience, he is making over 10 Million pounds a year. I am looking at using Instagress or Followliker. I have a small niche market with a fairly big audience. I used to sell my gear on ebay but they banned me for a silly reason that didn't even make sense. I taught myself recently how to make a website and have a fairly nice looking one almost set up now.I have had a facebook and twitter page with around 300-500 likes but i never have time to post much to it. I signed up for Instagress earlier and it seems that all it does it like/follow which is good, but i want something to post for me too.Basically all i want is to have around 100-200 pictures/posts that an autobot posts at random every few hours.

Edition Atlas Cz

Is this something followliker can do, is it worth the money for what i am trying to achieve? I am looking at using Instagress or Followliker. I have a small niche market with a fairly big audience. I used to sell my gear on ebay but they banned me for a silly reason that didn't even make sense. I taught myself recently how to make a website and have a fairly nice looking one almost set up now.I have had a facebook and twitter page with around 300-500 likes but i never have time to post much to it. I signed up for Instagress earlier and it seems that all it does it like/follow which is good, but i want something to post for me too.Basically all i want is to have around 100-200 pictures/posts that an autobot posts at random every few hours.

Wansview camera wifi. 176 x 144 @ 30 fps? 1024 x 768 @ 30 fps? 320 x 176 @ 30 fps? 480 x 270 @ 30 fps?

Is this something followliker can do, is it worth the money for what i am trying to achieve? My boostgram trail expired and it's ridiculously expensive but it worked really well. I've switched over to instagress and will use up their trial. I didn't see a trial version of Followliker but it looks like they don't charge a monthly fee like the other services.My boostgram results were pretty good. I got 288 followers in 3 days and this is an account I just activated so that's starting from scratch.

Followliker 2019

Not bad.Here's what it did. I also scheduled a total of 26 posts and only used 3 hashtags.Likes (2708) on followers posts of big pages in my niche.