World Views Classic And Contemporary Readings Sixth Edition Basic

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Kernell (political science, U. Of California at San Diego) and Smith (political science, Washington U., St. Louis) present 47 readings (19 held over from the first edition) that together review the basic political science of U.S. Federal institutions, political actors, and processes. Also discussed are common themes of American political history such as federalism, civil rights and liberties, public opinion, and interest groups. Annotation (c)2003 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

  1. World Views Classic And Contemporary Readings Sixth Edition Basic Pack

Read more.Rating:(not yet rated)Subjects.More like this. Find more information about:ISBN: 937OCLC Number:52477380Description:xiv, 642 pages; 23 cmContents:1. Designing institutions. From The logic of collective action: public goods and the theory of groups / Mancur Olson Jr.The tragedy of the commons / Garrett Hardin -Arkansas rice farmers run dry, and U.S.

Remedy sets off debate / Douglas Jehl -The prosperous community: social capital and public life / Robert D. Putnam -Will 9/11 and the war on terror revitalize American civic democracy? / Theda Skocpol -2. The constitutional framework. The founding fathers: a reform caucus in action / John P. Roche -Federalist no. 10; Federalist no.

World Views Classic And Contemporary Readings Sixth Edition Basic Pack

51 / James Madison -Showdown: the election of 1800 / James MacGregor Burns -3. Federalism as an ideal political order and an objective for constitutional reform / James Buchanan -Federalism: battles on the front lines of public policy / Donald F. Kettl -Clean-air battlefield / Matthew L. Civil rights. Minority rights in direct democracy / Zoltan L. Hajnal and Elisabeth R. Gerber -American diversity and the 2000 census / Nathan Glazer -Women and the Constitution: where we are at the end of the century / Martha Craig Daughtrey -5.

Civil liberties. The real world of constitutional rights: the Supreme Court and the implementation of the abortion decisions / Gerald N. Rosenberg -Competing views of civil liberties and the war against terrorism / Michael Scardaville and Robert A.

Levy -Miranda v. Arizona -Roe v. The Senate in bicameral perspective / Richard F.from Congress: the electoral connection / David R. Mayhew -Congressional trends / Steven S.

The presidency. From Presidential power and the modern presidents: the politics of leadership from Roosevelt to Reagan / Richard E. Neustadt -from Going public: new strategies of presidential leadership / Samuel Kernell -How 3 weeks of war in Iraq looked from the Oval Office / Elisabeth Bumiller, David E. Sanger, and Richard W. Stevenson -8. The bureaucracy. From Bureaucracy: what government agencies do and why they do it / James Q.

Wilson -The politics of bureaucratic structure / Terry M. Moe -Assessing the Department of Homeland Security / Ivo H. Daalder, et al. The judiciary. From The choices / Lee Epstein and Jack Knight -The most dangerous branch? / Simon Lazarus -Federalist no. 178 / Alexander Hamilton -The power of the Fourth / Deborah Sontag -10.

Public opinion. Analyzing and interpreting polls / Herbert Asher -Dynamic representation / James A. Stimson, Michael B. MacKuen, and Robert S. Erikson -The people's craving for unselfish government / John R. Hibbing -11. Voting, campaigns, and elections.

World views classic and contemporary readings pdf

From The reasoning voter: communication and persuasion in presidential campaigns / Samuel L. Popkin -Promises and persuasion / L. Sandy Maisel -Party polarization in national politics: the electoral connection / Gary C. Jacobson -12. Political parties. From Why parties: the origin and transformation of political parties in America / John H. Aldrich -Partisanship and voting behavior, 1952-1996 / Larry M.

Bartels -American political parties: still central to a functioning democracy? Sandy Maisel -13. Interest groups. The scope and bias of the pressure system / E.E.

Schattschneider -The evolution of interest groups / John R. Wright -What corporations really want from government / R. Kenneth Godwin and Barry J. Is journalism hopelessly cynical / Michael Schudson -The people and the press: whose views shape the news?

World views classic and contemporary readings sixth edition basic pokemon

Edsall -American news consumption during times of national crisis / Scott L. Althaus -Constitution of the United States.Responsibility:edited by Samuel Kernell, Steven S. Smith.More information:.Abstract.