Bahamas Immigration Card Pdf Writer

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Entry Requirement OverviewAll travellers are required to go through immigration clearance upon arrival into Sri Lanka. The granting of entry to Sri Lanka is determined by the Immigration officers at the point of entry. Visitors must provide the following basic entry requirements before they can be considered for entry into Sri Lanka:. A passport with at least 6 months validity. Valid Sri Lanka visa or ETA, if applicable (for more information ).

Sufficient funds to last for the intended period of stay in Sri Lanka. Confirmed onward/return tickets, if applicable.

Entry facilities to their onward destinations, if applicable e.g. Visas. Completed Disembarkation Card. Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate, if applicableThe period of stay granted is shown on the entry endorsement given on the visitor's passport. Visitors are advised to check their passports for the arrival endorsement and take note of the number of days stay given before leaving the immigration checkpoint. All visitors on visit visas are not permitted to engage in any form of business, profession, occupation paid or unpaid employment while in Sri Lanka. Visitors are also reminded that it is a punishable offence to overstay in Sri Lanka beyond the number of days given.

If there is a need to stay beyond the period granted, visitors may apply for an extension at the Department of Immigration or at the immigration Visitor Services Centre, before the visa expires. Application for extension of stay is subject to approval.Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate; for entry into Sri Lanka, a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate is required from travelers (over one year of age) who, within the preceding six days have been in or have passed through any country endemic for yellow fever.The International Certificate of Vaccination for yellow fever is considered valid 10 days after vaccination. The certificate is for a period of 10 years.

Visa RequirementsIrrespective of purpose of travel, all travelers to Sri Lanka now need to have either Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) or Visa for entering to Sri Lanka. If you are traveling to Sri Lanka for following purposes you must have ETA for entering to Sri Lanka. (nationals of Singapore and Maldives are exempted from visit visas). Holidaying. Visiting friends and relatives. Medical treatment including Ayurvedic and yoga. Participate in sporting events, competitions and activities relating to cultural performance.

Participate in business meetings and negotiations. Conferences, workshops and seminars. Short term training programs.

Transiting Sri LankaMore information about Sri Lanka ETA Travelers with all other purposes;Travelers visiting Sri Lanka for all other purposes MUST have Visa before arriving Sri Lanka. For information and assistance, for more information please. Disembarkation Card OverviewForeign visitors arriving in Sri Lanka are required to have a completed Disembarkation Card for immigration clearance. Gearbox gold download cracked technic launcher. There is no requirement for departing visitors to complete Embarkation card.

Where to Get the Disembarkation CardThe Disembarkation card is available at all Sri Lanka Immigration checkpoints. Travelers arriving by air can obtain the card from the airlines or on board their flights to Sri Lanka.

Travelers arriving by sea can obtain it from their travel agents and ferry operators. The Disembarkation card is free-of-charge. Completing the Disembarkation CardAll Disembarkation cards must be completed in a neat and legible manner.

A separate Disembarkation card must be completed for each accompanying child traveling with the same passport. Clearing ImmigrationAt the immigration counter, the visitor must present the completed Disembarkation card together with his travel documents to the Immigration officer.

Upon the grant of immigration clearance, the Disembarkation card will be retained by the officer. An endorsement indicating the period that the visitor is allowed to enter and stay in Sri Lanka is stamped on the passport.

Leaving Sri LankaWhen the visitor leaves Sri Lanka, there is no requirement for completing Embarkation card. Dual-Channel System (Customs Clearance) OverviewThe Dual- Channel system (or Red and Green Channels system) enables the quick clearance of travelers at entry checkpoints: Red or Green?When you arrive at the checkpoint, you are required to declare fully and correctly all dutiable, controlled or prohibited items that you are carrying at the Red Channel. All such goods and their import license or authorization where applicable, should be produced to the customs officers at the entry point for examination. Making a false or an incorrect declaration is an offence under the law. Customs declaration form is available at all entry points. Red ChannelIf you have any. Dutiable Goods.

Bahamas Immigration Card Pdf Writer Download

Controlled Goodsyou should seek Customs clearance at the Red Channel. If in doubt, please also proceed to the Red Channel to make enquiries. Green ChannelIf you do not have any. Dutiable Goods.

Controlled Goods. Prohibited Goodsyou may choose the Green Channel. The tourist to Sri Lanka are accorded passenger’s baggage exemptions on their personal clothing and other personal essentials, 2 wine bottles of regular size and ½ liters of spirits and on toilet water that does not exceed ¼ liter. Also exempted is little quantity of souvenirs and perfumes in which the value does not exceed US$ 250 and which are not meant for use in commercial transactions.For more information please visit. Travellers found with the above goods at the Green Channel will be subject to enforcement action which may include fines or prosecution action.Note: Your baggage may be examined by the Customs officers whether you take the Red or Green Channel.

Bahamas immigration card pdf writer free

Foreign Currency Declaration LimitsThey could be in TCs, Bank drafts or currency notes. However, if the total of such sum exceeds US$ 15,000 such sum should be declared to the Sri Lanka Customs. For more information,please visit. Travellers' TipsPlease remove your passport cover to facilitate immigration clearance. Do not carry goods for other people. If the goods are or contain dutiable, controlled or prohibited items, you will be held responsible. Under the Sri Lanka law, the penalty for the illegal importation of controlled drugs such as heroin is death.Under the Sri Lanka law, you are required to open, unpack and pack your baggage when the checkpoint officer wishes to conduct an examination of your baggage.

This is to give you full control over the entire proceeding. You can determine the manner of the opening, unpacking and packing of your personal belongings. This would also prevent any unintentional damage to your baggage or belongings.